Would you date me?


When you speak of "fair damsel," Mr. Bodie, sir, are you inferring that perhaps the afore mentioned had been an entrant in a contest, of some variety, to be judged by several of the esteemed bib overall-wearing locals?

i believe, dear sir, that the above mentioned gentleman referred to a damsel whose desires for companionship by persons of the fairer sex is frowned upon in certain circles (though not necessarily in this company). his noble and indeed praiseworthy task was to have someone "convince" her that the choices she has made all her life were indeed the wrong ones and she only needs a bit of ye olde sausage to make her truly happy- and socially acceptable, in the aforementioned conservative circles.

as for my own self, i believe that the demoiselle in question is perfectly capable of substituting any one of us with a banana... but then my self esteem may not be the highest.

best regards,


well judging from your profile pic i'd say you'd get quite a bit... but you'd also know that a guy who has to spend money for sex would be a total loser... maybe like the guy in the picture... i mean a normal guy just wouldn't, out of (self?) respect... hmm...

ah well, now we have ourselves a moral dilemma. a terribly strange predicament, or a strangely terrible one. but what if morality is merely defined by our perception of ourselves and our society? this is the quite the conundrum. greater minds than mine shall continue this exchange of intarweb postings, if not bodily fluids; for i must eat now.
... but you'd also know that a guy who has to spend money for sex would be a total loser

Not necessarily, my esteemed colleague. In this instance, he'd most likely become a legendary hero; the subject of folk tales filtering down through the ages from one generation to the next. Because you see, what's at issue here goes waaaay beyond merely having sex. We're engaged in a noble mission here; a sacred trust that completely transcends such base, corporeal impulses. No my friend, this is more like splitting the atom, and the stakes could not be greater. No price is too high, for what ultimately rests in the balance is the reputation of our entire gender!
Jesus, I stop posting regularily, and this is what you people come up with? Hairless beerguts and hot lesbians?

Wtf am I missing out on here?


what's wrong with lesbians i ask you? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!

and to bodie... well kind sir, i believe that the transfer of funds turns this "sex" you speak of into merely the SIMULATION of sex, since only one of the participants is truly willing, the other merely being there because she has been paid to witness a sad exercise in self-aggrandisement.
It made me cry actually. She's really attractive. We need to recruit a man to bang her and turn her back to Team Hetero....

Let's hope gay men don't find out that if you're banged by a guy you immediately prefer guys... We'd have to run for our lives... :tongue: :D


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
....as for my own self, i believe that the demoiselle in question is perfectly capable of substituting any one of us with a banana...

Yeah, you could do that, but how would that be fair to the banana?
this can not be true :) consider going to a gym once in a while
It's no coincidence this picture was taken in a plumbing supply store.

I guarantee there's some serious plumber's crack going on back there!
:rofl2: :rofl: Great posts, funny shit. Cracked up! Btw, who is the lesbian? I didnt get that...:rofl: oh, and no, I wont date you.