wow wow this is very strange what happen to the posts here today all gone

Not just my post but other post here today are gone?Not all of my posts but some are gone. There are other post here today gone too.

I made a post looking for a web site or message board of fetish of girls in trackpants ,sweatpants ,sweatshirts ,legging ,gym clothes ,pajamas , clothes you wear around the house,going for a walk or clothes going to bad and other very casual clothes like t-shirt and shorts or t-shirt and jeans ,sweapants so on!!!

I was saying there use to be newsgroups the an* for any sexual preference you might have or never know about.What happen to it.

What is going on here.Whhy are posts deleted or removed.What happen to all the old posts here.
ummm I wonder if all video being posted is just trying to bump thread to top dunno: :dunno:

To some one knows of web site,group or message board. You know you could post pictures it be more on topic.


Lord Dipstick
I posted enough pictures for today it is your turn to post some pictures or a post a web site or message board dedicated to it