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Jan 27, 2011 1:48 AM
Sep 2010
Ryuji has a sweet sword! I was somewhat surprised at how early they paired him up with Rose as lovers. I also feel like the 'engagement' they had happened a bit too quickly and it definitely needs much more explaining. But I really enjoyed the episode.
Jan 27, 2011 3:30 AM

Aug 2009
DEEN has no plans to improve animation, eh?
And DEEN, why so many plot holes?

P.S. The telepathy between dragons is a new discovery of DEEN to save time for animation.
Jan 27, 2011 11:47 AM

Jul 2010
hellsascendant said:
The world is running out of ideas, it's fact......i doubt after thousands of years of tales, legends and stories there aren't cliches. it's hard to come up with new ideas that are acceptable to a general public. its profitable to use already popular cliches. IMO it's not about original ideas anymore, but how to make those cliches plots and twists and wrap them up nicely.

here i thought novels had unique ideas but its more cliched. well. we need more writers like Narita-sensei.
----------------------------------- [MDL stats]
Jan 27, 2011 12:07 PM
Jan 2011
Really like I said before am I the only one that didn't interpret that as telepathy? I dunno thought it was like dragon growls (etc) or something and they have to open their mouths to do that. Im sure it was just so we could understand what they were saying they weren't actually talking like people there.
unless you watch anime to hear this for a few minutes
or do you assume that the reason we hear that girl without a head in durarara talk is because they are lazy and dont want to show what she types?
Jan 27, 2011 5:27 PM

May 2009
DEEN DEEN DEEN.... Oh DEEN. First you have umineko which is a somewhat decent story. Though lacked music and not good use of the material. And here you have an anime with an pretty amazing soundtrack and no story. Balance DEEN you need balance!

It seems like this series is going to just be average. Everything about this episode was average. We already got the confession so what else is there. A kiss maybe? Oh wait we got mouth to mouth....soo...IDK. So I guess the next few episodes are just going to be fluffy filled good times then at the end bring the bad guy back in for more drama. So average stuff.

If I was the writer I would personally do something else. That relationship was horribly rushed and forced onto the viewers. Rose is so easily influenced because she is still basically a child. I think it would be a much better story if they just kept their relationship more of father and daughter relationship. Though maybe they will decide to do that and have Ryuji find another girl he likes and realize that the feelings he has for the two are different.

But meh not expecting much at this point. It's only 12 episodes as well.
Jan 27, 2011 6:32 PM

Jan 2011
Nana-chii said:
But meh not expecting much at this point. It's only 12 episodes as well.

12 episode is enough for an anime. anything longer usually has alot of worthless fillers. either that or the anime has no serious plot. i can only think of a few that passed the 50 mark and wasn't horrible(FMA:brotherhood and eureka seven)

personally one season is good enough, and if viewers want more then make another season. a lot of great animes don't need to drag the story to two seasons. plenty can tell the story perfectly an have room for some light hearted comedy.(angel beats)
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Jan 27, 2011 6:52 PM

Aug 2010
.....i wonder how much times they said love.

I hate how a bunch of anime that is coming it is only 12 episodes, is this gonna become the new standard?

Jan 27, 2011 9:32 PM

Jan 2011
jimbo_extreme said:
.....i wonder how much times they said love.

I hate how a bunch of anime that is coming it is only 12 episodes, is this gonna become the new standard?

it always was.....
literally one season is three months/quarter of a year. witch translates to around 12 -14 weeks witch then means 12-14 episodes. i'm gonna assume ur not a mainstream anime person cause mainstreams usually don't have this standard. but because they are mainstream they make the standard nonstandard per'se.
but anime's that exceed 12-114 episode doesn't mean they aren't following standard. each season is identified with a new OP. for example FMA:brotherhood had 64 episodes. divide that by the number of OPs(5) and u get 12.8. well within the 12-14 episode range.(the decimal is there due to the fact that not all seasons are the same length). Actually all anime follow this rule.
this standard is due to the fact that they literally release anime in "seasons"[winter/spring/summer/autumn]
no one is producing long animes is because they are hard to maintain. the story often goes wack, and often other long animes have the mainstream making going into mainstream difficult.

BTW all comments above are IMO however most are factual
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Jan 27, 2011 9:45 PM

Sep 2008
Been in this game for ten years. I remember the series length being one of the first things I noticed. There were the 12/13 episode series, slightly less of the 24/26 episode series, and then there were a small handful of titles like dragonball z and yu yu hakusho that just kept going and going.

It seems to me the problem is less that they chose to do 12 episodes, but that they seem to be trying to put 24 episodes worth of plot into them. That's never a good idea.
Jan 27, 2011 10:03 PM

Jan 2011
Gangler said:
Been in this game for ten years. I remember the series length being one of the first things I noticed. There were the 12/13 episode series, slightly less of the 24/26 episode series, and then there were a small handful of titles like dragonball z and yu yu hakusho that just kept going and going.

It seems to me the problem is less that they chose to do 12 episodes, but that they seem to be trying to put 24 episodes worth of plot into them. That's never a good idea.

but u must agree some are definitely well done. but again the ones that just don't end seem like putting 6 episode of plot into 100+ episodes.
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Jan 27, 2011 11:15 PM

Sep 2008
Long running anime stretching out a thin premise? No Way! Next you're gonna tell me that batman has on occasion gone decades at a time without having any long term developments to the plot!

Lol, in all seriousness there are various ways of looking at it. You want the right content per episode rate, and it can negatively effect a series if they put too much or too little in a single episode (Ichiban is a good example of too much. DBZ is a good example of too little). This being said often shows that are criticized for having a terrible plot don't actually use plot as their selling point. Eg. If you watch naruto because you're desperate to find out how they rescue sasuke from orochimaru (are they still doing that? I don't know.) then that's unlikely to be a satisfying experience. If you watch because you enjoy well choreographed fast paced fight scenes then you're in the right place.

Not quite sure how the flaws of long running series came up though... My personal stance is actually that fifty is the perfect number of episodes for a series to run. Enough time to allow for an epic story (epic in the literary sense), in depth character development, and to properly explore an expansive setting. All this without running long enough to get stale or wear out its' welcome. Of course it doesn't matter how many episodes you do a series for if you don't do it right. I could count terrible fifty episode series all day long. Any number of episodes is a flaw in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

If I could bring it back to dragon crisis (seems we're getting a bit off topic), twelve episodes is a perfectly lovely number of episodes for a series to run. If they were doing this the way a twelve episode series should be done, the only complaints would be stemming from a desire for more. This is looking kind of like they put together a 24 episode series, and then at the last minute were told they only had 12 in which to do it. Hastily cut out everything they could and hoped for the best.

I think the redeeming feature here is that it seems to have properly adapted all the important details (I assume), and most of the stuff missing is superfluous enough that the larger picture still works without it. We didn't learn the cause of Ryuuji's trauma with Cursed Preciouses, but we did learn that there was such a trauma since it was needed to explain his reluctance to fight. Stuff like that. Its' clearly rushed, but hasn't yet been nonsensical or self-contradictory... depending on how you interpret it.
Jan 28, 2011 2:44 AM
Oct 2010
Aversa said:
Onyx is just a cliche bad guy the fact that they run in on them at the altar was cliche that Rose believed Onyx was cliche and Ryuji's near death experience was cliche.
This episode was full of things that are cliche and it feels rushed hopefully next week will be better but i might be asking to much.

you're asking for toooooooo much, ITS GONNA BE AT THE BEACH!
I feel sorry for the seiyuu that has to repeat daisuke and ryuji millions of times.
Jan 28, 2011 4:54 AM

Feb 2010
This episode was filled with cheese with cream on top
Jan 28, 2011 8:11 AM

Nov 2007
LuffyFoxtrot said:

I hope we see more of Onyx in the future, if only for his seiyuu :D

Very much this!
I would've dropped this after ep 1 if it wasn't for Hiroshi Kamiya.
Jan 28, 2011 8:57 AM

Aug 2010
It was better than the 2nd episode, but I expected more :|

Jan 28, 2011 12:29 PM

Mar 2010
reminds me of happy from fairy tail
Jan 28, 2011 11:55 PM

Jan 2009
The episode's been more exciting, but nothing particularly unique or amazing. As excessive as Ryuuji and Rose's relationship may be, a bit more slice of life may be nice.
Jan 30, 2011 2:00 PM

Jul 2010
Wow, Onyx is a dick! Not referring to myself this time. Great action packed episode. Much better than the last one.My opinion of the male lead has also improved a bit. So a breaker is pretty much a human who can use it's powers to fight dragons. \it looks like Ryuuji and Rose are engaged now!

Next episode looks like a filler, but we'll see.

Feb 4, 2011 4:38 AM

Aug 2010
Everything happened just as I expected. Oh well, I didn't join the ride for the plot in the first place. The confession seems a bit rushed, but at least it's a decent change from the too long ones. 4/5
Feb 4, 2011 8:52 AM

Aug 2010
Kantarou said:
That telepathy scene actually gave me the impression they were speaking in dragon tongue instead, hence why their mouths were open. I also swear I heard some growling/dragon-y noises as well, or was that just the bgm?

It's really frustrating seeing so many people complaining about telepathy instead of realizing a perfectly reasonable explanation for their mouth's moving. Honestly the thought never really crossed my mind of telepathy when their mouth's de-synced.

To put this in a way that most people can understand, what would cause the studio to consciously edit the voice sound effects and deliberately change the synchronization of the lips? While people may like to believe the studios have no ounce of intelligence, they would definitely not put BOTH into an anime without a purpose. If it was a case of the animation being wrong and their lips not supposed to be moving, they would have simply not edited the voices in the way they did and let it run as a normal conversation, albeit with off mouth movements. If it was meant to be telepathy they wouldn't have kept the mouth movements the way they were. Again, they would have simply taken a hit to quality and let it run as a normal conversation with an off lip-sync.

Instead, they deliberately put both features in. Obviously they aren't going for telepathy because of the commonly accepted norm of telepathy meaning no need for your mouth. It's from this, that you kind of have to accept that they were simply displaying a trait of dragon's that hadn't been seen before, their own language.

Oh well, I'm probably speaking in some foreign tongue myself. Disregard said snarls and growls and go on with your day.
Feb 6, 2011 12:48 PM

Aug 2010
OK, that was just lame, period!

OST is the only thing good about this the chicks.
Feb 6, 2011 4:03 PM
Mar 2010
three episodes impressions: it's nothing excellent, it's a little boring somewhat, but there are fight!! and we give it another chance, I hope for more interesting things.....

next to 4th ep
Feb 7, 2011 12:13 AM
Jul 2008
... This anime has syncro... but the human has the power instead of the dragon...
I wonder if this anime is going to be another 9 episodes with Kurokami-like battles....
QuickfoxFeb 7, 2011 12:19 AM
Feb 7, 2011 11:13 PM

Feb 2010
kinda bored.....
Mar 3, 2011 10:20 PM

Apr 2009
Well that was fast episode, the love confessions were fast too! And the action scenes kinda feels like a final battle on a final episode of a series. :)

Wondering what the rest of the episodes would be like from here on...
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 4, 2011 10:10 AM
Jan 2010
This was a very good episode : liked the battle part and the cool music that came with it
Sent with Mal Updater
Mar 4, 2011 10:21 AM
Jan 2010
love the fighting music :) very nice episode and a very cool first fighting scene :)
Apr 24, 2011 5:07 AM
Jul 2018
hahaha i love this series! its my guilty pleasure :D

confession+kiss already, thank god

cute stuff :D
Jun 11, 2011 6:00 AM

Mar 2011
restore said:
hahaha i love this series! its my guilty pleasure :D

Yeah, I feel the same! Just like with Strike Witches, it's that ecchi action slot that feels so right!

However, something about this show just keeps making me nod off on the sofa! I mean, it's cool an all, I really like the art style, the op and ed are amazing, but it doesnt grip me in the same way Strike Witches did. Ahh, once it really gets going in the next ep or two I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe I'll have a coffee and a sandwich too!
Mar 17, 2012 12:24 PM

Dec 2009
I didn't like the development. Rose just saw that boy once in her life and now she loves him? Oh well..
Oct 13, 2012 1:37 PM

Oct 2012
Good episode.

Onyx finally got his butt kicked (even though I'm sure he'll be coming back for more), and Ryuuji and Rose made up. I must admit, I am a little annoyed with Rose, but whatever, she's just one of those characters.

Also, I'm really liking the soundtrack on this series. Very good so far.
Jun 24, 2013 2:16 PM

May 2012
Oh boy that was nice! Great action and first fight scene and just that ending was totally cute :D Lets see what's next!
May 18, 2014 9:14 AM

Jan 2010
Question. If dragons and humans apparently hate each other and are meant to kill each other, why can dragon breath heal humans?
Nov 28, 2015 3:08 PM

Aug 2014
Pretty sweet when Ryuuji said he loved Rosa and she answered him again. But damn that was quite an OP attack.
Jun 25, 2017 4:33 PM

May 2015
I'm gonna take back my last chapter words about MC... Ryuuji was pretty cool this episode.
Oct 8, 2017 1:46 AM

Mar 2016
Usually I try to not fall asleep while watching anime late at night.

With this show, I've been trying my hardest to do just that.
Feb 1, 2019 4:15 PM

Aug 2018
The battle was pretty decent, MC is still kind of a pussy though.
Apr 18, 2021 1:52 AM

Apr 2018
Well one thing sure is that she loves him... xD
Glad that they defeated Onyx and took her back.
Healing kiss at the end :D
May 25, 2022 2:55 PM

May 2019
The animation in the fighting sequences is really good. But Rose is sooo annoying…
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