I'm pretty much done with everything Youtube and Geometry Dash based stuff such as videos and playing the actual game. I've lost motivation to do anything on youtube and I especially lost motivation to play GD, this game bores the hell out of me. I moved to many different things in my life (well actually already ~8 months ago but i forced myself to do GD shit). I remember all the fun times in streams and all the shit that happened on Discord (someone give a blowjob to Escetity, I had a fun time in PVT tbh. This team inspired me to build more and improve myself creating-wise). Thanks for every supporter and fan (if I every had someone except the typical collab request-ers). Well I'm always saying that you can't quit this game entirely since it's so addicting but as I said, I've moved to forward in life a lot and I'm not forcing myself to upload youtube videos and play the game without having fun anymore. Wish you all a great time for the last month of 2019, it was an amazing year imo.