Welcome to my YouTube channel!
For this channel I use a wide variety of news sources from across the globe. This channel provides short news videos.
I do not provide opinion commentary on the news stories I cover. I just want to report the facts of the story and nothing more. I believe that the viewer is intelligent enough to form his or her's own opinion regarding the content. And the comment section is where the viewers should be able to express their opinion, without censorship.
No bias, No narratives, No opinions, Just the facts of the article. This is how the news should be!
I am not A.I. This is my real voice on the videos you watch, and I produce the videos myself. I Write the articles and they are published on my website, which is the script I read during the video. None of my work is produced through Artificial Intelligence expect for the occasional photograph I use in certain videos, and I have A.I. proofread my scripts before being published for grammar.