Welcome to Phoebius's VGM! A space mainly oriented to Video Game Music from plenty different retro & good old classic titles!
As a VGM lover and a 90s and early 2000s gaming era enthusiast, I'll dedicate this channel to share a varied HQ music repertory of some of my heart treasured gems of that time and a little more.
My uploads will mostly come about PC, PS1 & NES titles in the form of Gamerip Soundtracks, Extended and Arranged Edits, Extra Misc Clips of the games presented including In-Game and FMV Cutscenes, Company Logo Animations, Staff Credits, etc.
I'm always embracing the highest quality I can possibly achieve on each rip I dive in, so using the best ripping approach to get a neat track extraction as the proper appliance of the different editing techniques and VSTs to produce a balanced, smooth, clear, and more full-sounding result overall are definitely a must for me at every moment.
Feel free to have a look around and let's get the nostalgia trip started! =)