G'day my name is Danny Truong and I am a modern board gamer from Australia who wants to share my passion for this hobby in a passionate, fun and light hearted way that introduces the world of board gaming to newcomers.
My channel is a family friendly channel that features:
Beginner Friendly and an Easy Introduction to Board Games
Top 50 Board Games of All Time
Board Game Based Talking Sanctuary Vlogs
Top Board Game Reviews
Kickstarter Overviews
Top Board Game Lists
Board Games such as Monopoly, Risk, The Game of Life, Cluedo, Connect 4, Twister and Battleship are mainstream board games that have withstood the test of time.
Classic board games like Settlers of Catan, Pandemic, Carcassone, Dominion and Legacy style board games have changed and shaped the board gaming landscape and brought the social nature and love of playing board games back to life.
I absolutely love classic and modern euro board games!