Hi! I'm Miss Kaye and welcome to my channel where I share interactive learning videos for toddlers & preschoolers.
This is not your typical read aloud channel. This is an interactive read aloud where we feature different activities to help kids learn concepts like first words, counting and many more. I emphasize the use of visual supports and intentional language modeling to help in speech therapy.

I am adding more videos to help Gestalt Language Processors and kids who have autism spectrum disorder. My videos are less stimulating so kids can focus on the important concepts. I am incorporating things like social stories, songs & body movements, sensory play & occupational therapy inspired exercises.

I incorporate what I learn from speech pathologists and occupational therapist we're working with. I am certified in Early Childhood Education in USA and holds MA in Educational Mgmt. These videos are made for my child but hoping that other kids can benefit too.

Thanks for your support!