I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed.

I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before.

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Sign Up For My Free Workshop re(NEW) You: https://www.renewyouworkshop.com/

Order My Books:
Think Like a Monk: https://thinklikeamonkbook.com/
8 Rules of Love https://8rulesoflove.com/

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jayshetty/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jayshetty
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