Welcome to the backup channel!
This is a Christian ministry.
Please note that this is not a Facebook page, nor is it a theological forum for people to argue about their doctrines.
The comment forum on this channel is not a social network, for people to engage in arguments.
Here, that holy doctrine is taught and revered, which is referred to in the scripture as the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Christ, and the apostles' doctrine.
It is clearly set forth in the scriptures, and it is not up for debate; and therefore there will be no debates here.
If you desire to be fed with the pure milk of God's word, and the true teaching of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, exactly as it is written in the Holy Bible, King James Version, then you are in the right place.
Please subscribe to avoid missing any uploads, and for the main channel, you can go here:
May God bless you as you abide faithfully in his word, and in prayers.
~Bro. Clinton