wow, the name doesn't lie....pure beauty...thanks for the post.
Very nice... who is the girl in the second set? Do you have a name? Ah, and btw thx a lot
Active Member
Very nice! Good quality pics.
Dunno the 2nd one...vaguely rememeber seeing her before, but the first one is Marketa Brymova, not very high-profile unfortunately, but one of my favourite pornbirds.
Nice sets thanks for sharing. What the hell is that yellow stuff in the first pics? Cheers!
Them both are beauty alrite. Good work.
The yellow stuff is out of focus leaves/plants in the foreground. It was the genius photographer's bright idea to do something artistic, apparently. He should receive a good slapping for half obscuring Marketa.
Active Member
Nice sets, especially the 2nd. Thanks for posting!
8th August 2005, 08:46
Great post Eagleeye. Keep them coming.
8th August 2005, 09:13
Private Member
No idea how i missed this gorgeous girl! & the fact it's a PureBeautyMag.com post makes it even better 
The girl herself looks incredible, awesome face and eyes! My kinda girl
Cant thank ya enough Eagleeye
8th August 2005, 17:45
Great post. I love PureBeauty girls! If you want a sample of a whole bunch more PureBeauty Girls click on the link below. The sets aren't complete but they are still very good.
again thanks for the post.
8th August 2005, 17:49
Elite Member
Wow, my babe-meter's needle just spun off the dial! Thanks for the great post. That first girl is an absolute knockout!
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