I would like to share my passion for historical fencing with you. In this channel you will find lots of ideas for your own interpretations and fencing styles. I always try to be conform to the source, but still be practically applicable. My interpretations are not set in stone and therefore change from time to time. This channel can be your inspiration and I would be happy if you follow me on my journey through this wonderful art.

About me:
Björn Rüther is a trainer of Hammaborg – Historischer Schwertkampf e.V. and leads the Meyer Class training group in Hamburg/Germany. He is also an internationally booked workshop leader, successful tournament fighter of the german national team, President of the german organisation for historical fencing (DDHF) and works on motion capture projects for the video game industry.

Learn Sword Fighting - Martial Arts of the 16. century
with Björn from Meyer Class Hammaborg