Why does this channel exist? Simple. To tell you that it isn't hard, you just haven't explored your options. This channel is actually
meant to remind me of party lineups in the future, but it might help you too when content becomes too hard.
Anyways, here are the restrictions on the Genshin Account:
1. Ascended Level 70 (70/80) characters only (with the exception of the Traveler). Once level 70 is reached on a character, it can only gain level experience from clearing mobs on the overworld.
2. No constellations on 5 Star Characters except on the standard banner characters (with constellation limitations).
3. 5 Star weapons are available to use but refinements on 5 star weapons are not allowed.
4. Abyss F2P friendly lineups (follow the 10 gold rule as much as possible).
5. BP and welkin moon can be used if it is not gained through the owner player's pocket.
6. BP Weapons are not to be used.
(amongst other restrictions that the description channel cant fit due to character limit)